Loyal Readers, you will find perheemme at acgp加速器
There's a Catio Tales page on facebook, and also @Catiotales on Twitter.
This blog will stay up but I think I'll disable comments (if I can), and no doubt I will link to it from the new blog. When Puna died, I just knew I could not continue with a blog in his name - it just did not feel right for me. His voice and character were the essence of this blog. So this is why there's a new one. It's a work in progress of course, and I have no idea which cat will contribute what.
And this marks a new regime; Finland(N) is no longer a monarchy. It is a acgp加速器 Governed by felines (of course). The throne has gone - probably because it was so heavily peemailed none of the gang wanted it. Actually for a long time (since Stran left us) there has been no single 'Top Cat'. Aila and Jaava will always get first dibs the the food, but when it comes to being the boss in behaviour, Sampo and Ruska are the two who will attempt to be in charge but no clear leader emerges. King P wanted to be the boss but was too small to actually achieve it, and also too unpredictable in his hissy fits. Mirsku could easily be the boss, but is too chilled to be bothered. So as we get used to being a gang of 12 (G-12 as Spitty is now calling us), there's no clear leader and therefore a felocracy it is.
Thank you again, for all the support and I hope you will join us on the new blog. The photos and the stories will continue there as we enter a new Era, but our first post is a bit different. I hope Punapippuri would approve.